Customer Support Company - Sales and Support Team

Who we are

We’re Your Sales Extension

Service in English and Spanish


From a Mission To Reality.



Inspire ideas, Embrace Tech Trends, Celebrate progress, and help advance everyone we engage with.

The Challenge

We realized very fast that we live in a multicultural market. We now talk to customers in English and Spanish.


The Start

The first Business Drivers called companies and consumers and offered various services.



The results made our clients hungry for more. We began engaging customers by replying to website Live Chat widgets. We leveraged our sister company's art department to help with social media posting: The more videos and articles we posted, the more comments and engagement our clients received.

The Demand

The Demand

Clients need a diverse strategy to compete in their market. We incorporated email marketing. We sent newsletters | offers | blog articles | all to drive interest and new leads.

A New Problem

As new prospect and client data poured in, managing it became a massive chore. We immediately incorporated a CRM, Customer Relation Management tool for every client so they can have a clear picture of what we’re doing, how we’re doing it, and the results.


Transparency – Using Technology

Clients wanted to see what their business driver(s) is doing in real-time. We made it happen. Not only can you see who we share your (PLBC) Paperless Business Card schedule meeting with or email to, you will see when and how many times it was opened, In Real-Time.


Why are you here? You’re here to hire a Business Driver to drive growth and deliver clients to your door.

Moving Forward

Driving Forward

We’ve developed a dedicated SEO Team. Our clients are on the search engines’ first page or on the way to the first page. We have copywriters for website pages, blogs, and social media posts. Your Business Drivers stay active on social media, calling new prospects, sending emails, and replying to customer chats on your website.



Inspire ideas, Embrace Tech Trends, Celebrate progress, and help advance everyone we engage with.

The Start

The first Business Drivers called companies and consumers and offered various services.

The Challenge

We realized very fast that we live in a multicultural market. We now talk to customers in English and Spanish.


The Demand

Clients need a diverse strategy to compete in their market. We incorporated email marketing. We sent newsletters | offers | blog articles | all to drive interest and new leads.


The results made our clients hungry for more. We began engaging customers by replying to website Live Chat widgets. We leveraged our sister company's art department to help with social media posting: The more videos and articles we posted, the more comments and engagement our clients received.

The Demand

A New Problem

As new prospect and client data poured in, managing it became a massive chore. We immediately incorporated a CRM, Customer Relation Management tool for every client so they can have a clear picture of what we’re doing, how we’re doing it, and the results.


Transparency – Using Technology

Clients wanted to see what their business driver(s) is doing in real-time. We made it happen. Not only can you see who we share your (PLBC) Paperless Business Card schedule meeting with or email to, you will see when and how many times it was opened, In Real-Time.

Driving Forward

We’ve developed a dedicated SEO Team. Our clients are on the search engines’ first page or on the way to the first page. We have copywriters for website pages, blogs, and social media posts. Your Business Drivers stay active on social media, calling new prospects, sending emails, and replying to customer chats on your website.


Why are you here? You’re here to hire a Business Driver to drive growth and deliver clients to your door.

Moving Forward

Ready to ride?

Let Customer Support Company become an organic extension of your sales efforts and team.